Sunday, 5 December 2010

212 photo brief studio visit

The studio visit

Recently I was invited to a trial session at a local studio, along with 5 others, to see how a professional studio is set up and operated, and the set up was very professional.

This is a shot of the outside of the studio, in Newcastle under Lyme, a very smart exterior, and the guy doing the introductions and lecture was Paulo Loraso himself.

This is a shot of the  interior  which shows the reception area. It also shows several computers where people can assess their own images or the client can view them for themselves. In addition, the desk at the rear is where some of the post production work is done, and some admin etc. The reception area is very clean and smart, and professional, environment, conducive to good photography. Incidentally, the framing and mounting is done away from this studio, as the process produces a lot of dust which is not a good environment for the printers to operate in, hence the good looking reception area.


These are shots from within the studio area, comprising a variety of lighting effects from single light to area lighting. Although reasonably small it can contain a single element or can accommodate a large group, all be it quite a tight fit. There were 2 models available, 1 I had worked with before, to practice some lighting techniques with. There are only 2 assistants working with the studio, although freelance photographers cover a vast range of other projects and situations. Although the set up was fairly general because of the invitation, and only limited opportunity to alter the lighting, I learnt a lot about studio work here, and it allowed me to see the versatility that is available given the time and resources in which to use them. This principle runs this studio as a business, and then the photographers do the photography.

I was very impressed with the set up, and for the opportunity to see how a professional studio works, and thank Layla for the invite and Paulo for his time in presenting his studio to us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    A very valuable visit here which should inspire and inform as to the direction your work should proceed in. From front view of studio from the outside to the way they digitally workflow their work is valuable. Learn from this and evaluate what you mainly could aim for as regards the work you want to produce. Also meets a high level criteria as regards your research , distinction level along with all your exhibition visits which you need to include in this blog website as well.

